Ana Cavic: Fox Cub 
Anyway, since seeing the incredible space (over and over in my head) and in between
afternoon naps (workload has been overwhelming this week) I’ve been oscillating between
a ‘bite’ edition called Fox Cub (performance) which technically is a form of conversation,
climbing (the lift, specifically) and developing a text piece of some description (pun intended)
out of scraps of fictional conversation I’ve been writing over the past couple of months...
Alex Schady: Lecture
Alex gives a lecture.
Matthew Lee Knowles & Sally Morfill: Nightingale
An action performed by Matthew Lee Knowles. The unpicking (or drawing) of a vinyl line from its ground.
Matthew Lee Knowles: An Unforgivable Melancholy
A spoken word event featuring up to 20 performers (invited performers, JTG/FY artists etc) who will follow a simple set of instructions detailing when to enter and leave the space and how long to spend in there.
As performers walk in, they will collect an envelope, which will contain a single sentence, which once inside and opened will be read in one of three ways: 1) into a wall/surface 2) head facing upwards 3) eyes closed standing on one leg.
The text itself will be spoken normally, whispered, sung softly or mimed and any letter/syllable/word can be freely repeated/chanted.
There will be another person inside who, as the person leaves, will collect the strips of paper and attach them all together to create one long sentence, which will be performed by all participants in the final 15 minutes of the 2 hour performance, which will end abruptly at the 2 hour mark.
Alice Cooper: Stage
Participants sit in a circle. a sound recording device is placed in the centre. They are each given a script. The script is a transcript of a previous conversation. The director gives instructions and invites the audience to read the script around the circle each person reading a different line of speech. This reading is sound recorded. Once the transcript in read the participants are asked to use the remaining time to discuss. This discussion is sound recorded and it is made clear that their conversation could be used to create a new script for a new group to read.
Paul Buck: Walking Into Myself

Chen Wei: The Proposal Sketch Series 2009
Instructions of Installation
1.     Print out The Proposal Sketch Series 2009 (19 images) and make one simple catalogue or paper folder of it.
2.     Keep the catalogue flat on the middle of a table, and prepare a single chair.
3.     Hang a microphone above the catalogue (about 20-30cm) high.
4.     Project a spot light cover the table area only.

Instructions of Participation
1. One reader sit on the chair read the image and describes the image by words using the microphone to other people, readers may browse all the images and then leave or they can read only part of it.
2. About the content of the image description is open to the readers. They could describe every detail of image or reinterpretation of what they see and think or just silence or…
3. Only one reader read the image at the same time. Please keep quiet until to the end.