Can playing with a material as a collective bring us together more than just occupying the space? A way of living together through materials, from the earth and clay from beneath our feet. Can we reconnect ourselves as a community through making and material? In an age of digital spaces, the need for the physical is becoming more present. As our beings are becoming more anxious could material help us as a form of therapy, reminding ourselves of our surroundings and being present. Attempting to break down the leader of the workshop into a collective co-op of working together. Against being lectured by an authority on the topic and how as a collective, workshops can be orchestrated to share knowledge of methods and personalities. Working within one hour and playing with the notings of workshops we have all done from childhood to adulthood but attempted in a new way. How we have experienced clay through workshops in their kitch ways which bring strange pride to the maker. Can we hone in on the humour of our previous experiences of workshops and participatory activities to enlighten something different. As a collective effort calling on the audience to build with the material of clay, coiling together a piece that will stand after as a sculptural evidence of the collective experience.
Materials and equipment
 4 bags of clay.

Friday 18 May 2018
Collective Clay:
Aimee Hornby
