We are a performative collective who have come together from international destinations to explore performative experience. Five Years will be the third event in our series of performative event happenings. The persons of this collective came together in Italy during the International Venice performance art week 2017. Now inhabiting far and wide across the uk and the globe, we come together to share an understanding of a present and shared time and place, experience and expression.
This is a proposal for an event of durational performance art; an improvised piece, subject to change. The artists involve work around themes of testing and warping time. A proposal of random acts. Time keeping, of time’s keeping. What can occur in an hour? Between the activity of artists arriving with their inspirations from lives lived far and wide, brought then together to perform for that hour. This is a test of an hour. Testing what can occur when these artists come together. Habitually performing solo, this short timeframe will require the interaction of the performers, passing the time between one another, or acting together. Basing performances around themes of interaction and communication.
Artists in YVP Collective normally practice longer durational performance art, having this one hour slot will challenge what can be communicated in one hour.

Saturday 19 May 2018
YVP Happening #3
YVP Collective


